The Theme Park and All Its Enchantments
Home; a place where you stay and go to at the end of the day to put up your tired feet. A place where pretensions are unnecessary, where habits are bred and left to infest on its own. A place where a child can run off to, comforted by the fact that the mother will be there waiting for his return. This is just another story. One where happy endings can never be found because life is filled with doubtful miracles and happiness is an unattainable paradise. The home that I went to when I was young was a theme park. It has an entrance that seems so grand but inviting, full of warmth and surprises to the outsiders. The earlier days were very different. The walls were painted bright white and the plants seem to thrive under all the loving care that the gardener rendered on it. There were crowds and joyful laughter. Games played and stories told. It was an endless array of entertainment from the moment when we open our eyes until the moment when we fall asleep. Each morning we woke up with the...