Demiurgic Tomes
Ever since I was a kid I have always loved pop-out books. I mean really, who don't like pop-out books? Every page brings a surprise and nothing is predictable. There could be a pulley and something will pop out from a box when you pull the tab or the picture could literally jump right back at you. With that in mind, I have found a few creative looking books. These books are not necessarily pop-out books. They can be books with covers that look so interesting you would want to own it even if you don't like reading. These are books with extremely creative covers or in some cases interesting pages. So without further ado....let me introduce you to 5 awesome looking books!
1. The Silver Palace Restaurant by Mark Abley
This book's cover has a matte lamination with spot glass varnish on the melting butter so it looks almost like a butter is sticking on top of the cover. However, as interesting as it may seem I don't think many would like reading it since it is a poetry book that deals with the limitation of time and life.
2. The Book of Lights by Takeshi Ishiguro
Remember how I mentioned pop-up books before this? Well, this is a pop-up "book". One that illuminates too! On the outside, it looks like any regular book but when you open the book, the pages turns out to be a lamp. It comes in a few designs and the one shown above is a Victorian lamp. There is also one that looks like a street lamp. Now, how enlightening is that?
3. The Rent Collector by B. Glen Rotchin
The cover is definitely a no-brainer. When one mentions rent collector, the first thing that comes to mind would be money. And where do you keep your money if not in the wallet? The cover of the book looks interesting but the story doesn't really pull me in. Not that I've read it but from what I've read in the synopsis it doesn't seems to be my cup of tea. Anyway, anyone interested in finding out more can go google it.
4. Searching for the New Normal by Rexanne Williams
The exterior of the book gives off a grimy and old feel. The most striking object on the front cover would be the bright, yellow butterfly against the peeling surface of the cover. This book is in fact a journal written about the grievance a young mother feels when she lost her child. Quite appropriately designed, I must say. The innocence of a child shown through the butterfly but overshadowed by the bleak outlook that symbolises the sad loss the mother feels.
5. Book sculptures by Brian Dettmer
Let me get this straight first. Brian Dettmer is an American contemporary artist. Not a writer. However, he uses old books to create visual fine art by carving and slicing the pages of the books. If that isn't a creative use of books, I don't know what is. So to those who have any old books, don't throw them away! Start carving away and maybe you'll end up like him!
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